5 May 2020
Dealing with a wrongful death in your family can be a very devastating and traumatic experience to go through. If you need to file a wrongful death lawsuit, it means that the accident that happened was so severe that your loved one ended up passing away as a result. While you're able to recover compensation for your pain and suffering to go through this experience, you may be wondering what factors will end up determining how much you receive in a lawsuit.
7 April 2020
When it comes to commercial truck accidents, people often think about those collisions that involve 18-wheelers. However, commercial trucks come in various sizes, so the size of the truck does not matter. If you've been involved in an accident with a smaller commercial truck — you may still have a case. Remember, these smaller trucks must still abide by the same guidelines as larger trucks. If these guidelines are not followed, the smaller truck company could be found liable.
10 March 2020
Injuries that you sustain in an auto accident can last a lifetime. An auto accident attorney will meet with you for an initial consultation to evaluate your case. You will need to show that you have losses and that your losses are a direct result of the accident you were in. Establishing fault for the accident is important, and you will need to be able to show that you were less than 50% at fault for the accident.
5 March 2020
When you were a child, slipping and falling was probably something that happened on a daily basis. Children love to run and play, and if they reach top speeds, it's almost inevitable that they will take a spill at some point. Because you were so young and full of exuberance, you probably popped back up instantly after a fall and continued your games. However, things change when you become an adult.
28 February 2020
While many people know that a personal injury attorney can help them build a legal case after a car accident or work-related injury, many don't realize that personal injury attorneys also help people who have gotten sick or permanently disabled from taking prescription medications. If you took any of the following medications and became seriously ill or disabled as a result, contact a personal injury attorney. Anti-Lipid Medication Personal injury lawyers are very familiar with the dangers of anti-lipid medications.
26 February 2020
The time when you are first getting a new business off of the ground is a very important time, and it's important to focus on doing everything the right way. For example, you might need legal assistance during the business formation process. It's wise to work with a business transaction attorney during this time so that he or she can help you with the things below and more. Going Over Lease or Purchase Contracts
24 February 2020
After suffering an injury, you may have the option of pursuing a personal injury claim. This can be a complicated process to undertake, especially when you're still recovering. If you're uncertain about whether to pursue this claim, an experienced lawyer can help you figure out how much your claim may be worth, if it's a good idea to pursue it, and help alleviate any concerns about court costs. You Don't Know How Much Your Claim is Worth
21 February 2020
Your workers compensation claim can be denied, even when you are hurt at work and not able to return to your job right away. It is possible that your paperwork was not complete, or your employer did not report your injury right away. Your workers compensation insurance company will tell you why your claim was denied, and you will need to appeal the decision in order to get the benefits you deserve.
19 February 2020
If you're dealing with a personal injury claim, don't proceed without legal representation. Personal injury claims are complex matters that require the assistance of an experienced attorney. If you're not sure how to choose a law firm for your personal injury claim, here are some tips to help take the stress out of the search. Start With a Referral If you're looking for a personal injury firm to handle your accident claim, start with a referral.
14 February 2020
One of the most important factors in any personal injury case is the plaintiff's medical treatment details. If you're pursuing a personal injury case, you should know the following six things about medical treatment and your personal injury case. You'll be required to present your medical records as part of your case. Your medical records are going to come under scrutiny as part of your case. Your medical records indicate the diagnosis your physician made regarding your condition or injury.