Making Changes To Your Life

  • Timing Your Workers' Comp Claim

    17 August 2020

    When it comes to seeking benefits for a work-related accident or illness, it's all about the timing. Your employer's workers' compensation insurance plan should provide you with some valuable benefits but you need to take action quickly and abide by the rules. To find out why the timing of your actions matter, read on. State Rules Vary Workers' compensation insurance is a private business but is overseen by each state. That means the coverage and rules will vary somewhat from state to state.

  • Factors That May Cause Your Workers' Compensation Claim To End In Litigation

    30 July 2020

    Most workers' compensation claims get settled after being filed. However, in some instances, the claim may be denied, leaving the injured party to cater for their expenses without compensation. If your claim gets rejected, you can go to trial and appeal for further consideration by a judge. If you and your employer's insurer reach an impasse and fail to agree even in mediation, you may be forced to go into litigation.

  • Ways a Motorcycle Accident Attorney Can Help in a Lane Change Accident

    23 July 2020

    Riding a motorcycle should be an exciting and freeing situation that provides the rider with the best chance of having fun. However, there are times when driving motorcycles can be hard to manage, particularly when traffic is high and dense. In this situation, lane changes may cause accidents that may require the help of a legal specialist to properly examine. 1. Lane Changes Are a Challenge to Motorcycle Safety Motorcyclists are often in a pretty delicate situation whenever they take to their bikes.

  • How Deadly Pesticides Can Lead To A Lawsuit

    14 July 2020

    Pest control specialists, also known as exterminators, use substances that are intended to kill pests alone. However, some of these pesticides can also affect pets and even full-grown humans after the pesticide treatment. If you and your family are ill as a result of the negligent use of pesticides, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. The Harmful Effects of Pesticides Children and pets are the most vulnerable to pesticide injuries.

  • How Liability Works In Slip And Fall Cases

    30 June 2020

    When a slip and fall lawyer tackles a case, the first order of business is figuring out who the liable party might be. Most of the time, liability rests with a property owner, a renter, or an event holder. There is a bit of a process, though, for how you establish liability and assign it to an at-fault party so let's take a look at it. Liability for Premises Nearly every case a slip and fall attorney pursues will derive from the legal concept of premises liability.

  • Got Into An Accident With A Truck Driver? 4 Things To Know About The Compensation Process

    19 June 2020

    When it comes to getting into an accident, it is never easy. Getting into an accident with a commercial truck driver can really complicate the compensation process, which is why you should hire an attorney to help you with the compensation and potentially with the lawsuit process. Thing #1: Hire an Attorney If you are involved in an accident with a commercial truck, you are going to want to hire an attorney to help you with the compensation process.

  • Why Rear-End Accidents With Commercial Trucks Are More Dangerous

    8 June 2020

    According to the Washington Post, there are 1.7 million rear-end collisions each year. Even minor fender-benders cost Americans millions of dollars a year. While some rear-end collisions lead to minor injuries and damage to vehicles, accidents involving heavy and powerful commercial trucks can lead to devastating injuries. Injuries Suffered From Rear-End Collisions The most common type of injury suffered from a rear-end collision is whiplash. The sudden and violent movement of your neck can lead to soft tissue injuries.

  • Tips For Recovering Your Lost Wages From An Auto Accident Injury

    28 May 2020

    One side effect of being involved in a car accident are the lost wages from your job while you recover and go to doctor appointments. If you are an hourly employer, there will be a clear monetary loss with every single day of work you miss. If you are a salary employee, you will be losing out on sick days or PTO that you could use for another day. Here are some tips that you should know about recovering those lost wages.

  • Why It's Helpful To Hire A Birth Defect Attorney After Giving Birth To A Child With A Birth Defect

    19 May 2020

    If you have recently had a baby, then you are probably very excited to have introduced a new bundle of joy into your home. Some of your joy might have been dampened, however, if your child was born with a birth defect. In some cases, these birth defects happen because the pregnant parent was exposed to harmful chemicals, such as while they were in the workplace. If something like this has happened to your family, then it's key to start researching birth defect attorneys who provide services for parents in your area.

  • Four Mistakes That Lead To A Social Security Disability Denial

    12 May 2020

    When you are applying for Social Security Disability benefits for the first time, you might be concerned that your claim will be denied. Social Security Disability claims are often denied initially, but with the help of a Social Security lawyer, you can avoid the common mistakes that lead to a denial.  1. Failure to Meet Non-Medical Requirements One of the most common reasons for a denial is that you do not have the basic non-medical requirements.