Making Changes To Your Life

Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney: Is It Too Late To Change Your Mind About Representing Yourself?

by Kristin Hawkins

A lot of people start off the process of trying to settle their personal injury claim by contacting the insurance company directly rather than consulting with an attorney. In many cases, it is not until after unsuccessfully trying to get the insurance company to agree to a fair settlement that individuals start questioning their decision to represent themselves. At this point in the process, some people simply assume that it is too late to change their mind about hiring a personal injury attorney. However, oftentimes this is not the case. 

If you are wondering whether or not it is too late for you to change your mind regarding the need to hire a personal injury attorney to represent you, taking a few moments to answer the questions below can help you to make this determination. 

How Long Has It Been Since Your Accident Occurred?

All personal injury claims will come with a statute of limitations which dictates how long the law provides for you to file a lawsuit if necessary in order to collect compensation for your injuries. The time limits outlined by this statute of limitations will vary from state to state and may also vary depending upon the type of accident that you were involved in. While it is always best to reach out to a lawyer as quickly as possible after your accident, it is vital that you do so at least several months prior to the statute of limitations expiring in your case.

If you are unaware of exactly how long you have to file a claim, you will want to consult with an attorney immediately. This is extremely important since a lawyer will require an adequate amount of time to pursue possible settlement in your case and prepare the necessary documentation to file with the court if a settlement is unable to be reached. 

Have You Accepted Any Payment For Your Injuries?

This is without a doubt the most important aspect to consider when determining whether or not it is too late to change your mind about representing yourself. This is because the law only allows you to collect one settlement for your injuries. If you have already accepted payment through the insurance company, you cannot go back and try and get more money simply because you no longer feel you were adequately compensated. For this reason, it is extremely important that you consult with a personal injury attorney before accepting any type of payment from the insurance company in regards to your claim. 

Reach out to a personal injury attorney to learn more.
